Our Mission:

To educate, inspire and support faith communities to sustained action on climate change

The Hope4Creation Foundation is a not-for-profit based in Oxford, UK and has charitable status (Registered charity number 1204459). We provide training and education within faith organisations to help them adopt sustainability and eco-activism as core values.

The journey so far…

Hope4Creation is still at the beginning of its journey, but it has been a busy few months with several successful courses and workshops run. Here are some of the latest updates:

  • H4C is a charity. Our registered number is 1204459.

  • We have already developed and delivered several workshops and courses, including a four-day interfaith workshop (God, Creation and Us) in Oxford in March 2022 (see a review of this event here), and a recent ‘Living Lightly’ conference held in a hybrid format online and in Oxford. The workshops were extremely well-received, and participants testified to the encouragement and inspiration they had gained from them.

  • We are delighted that Mpho Tutu Van Furth and Esther de Waal have agreed to become H4C patrons. Mpho is a renowned priest, activist and author of several books. Esther is well-known as a spiritual guide rooted in the Benedictine and Celtic traditions.

Our aims
for the coming year

  • Run a series of workshops for churches and other faith communities in the coming year.

  • Develop an action platform to disseminate hopeful solution stories about the climate change – both local, national and international.

  • Create a facilitator course to support those who have attended a H4C workshops and wish to host one themselves.

  • Network with other organisations linking with our work and promoting theirs: e.g. the Diocese of Oxford, the John Ray Institute, EarthWatch, Climate Outreach, the Children’s Radio Foundation (The Radio Workshop), the Laudato Si’ Research Institute and the A Rocha Eco-Award Scheme.